“Woman Speak” for Men

Recently, I listened to a video for men about how women communicate and what to do/say in response. Worth consideration.

  1. When she stares at your mouth…kiss her.


  1. When she hits you or pushes you or acts like she’s stronger than you….grab her and don’t let her go.*


  1. If she starts cussing out a storm at you and tries to be all “big and bad” with you…kiss her and tell her that you love her.*


  1. When she’s quiet…ask her what’s wrong


  1. If she ignores you…give her attention.


  1. If she pulls away…pull her back. *


  1. If you see her at her worst…tell her that she’s beautiful.


  1. When you see her crying…hold her and don’t say a word.


  1. If you see her walking around, sneak up behind her and hug her waist.


  1. When you see her get scared…protect her, let her know that she’s safe whenever she’s with you.


  1. If she steals your favorite hoodie…let her keep it.


  1. If she doesn’t answer you for a while…reassure her that everything’s ok.


  1. If she tells you a secret…keep it safe and untold.


  1. If she looks into your eyes…look back into hers and don’t look away until she does.


  1. When she says “I love you”…say “I love you” back.


* I’d advise caution in these situations, unless you really know your woman.